
You can use add_swagger(app, json_path, html_path) to add swagger documentation for all transmute routes.

aiohttp_transmute.add_swagger(app, "/swagger.json", "/swagger")

API Reference

aiohttp_transmute.swagger.add_swagger(app, json_route, html_route)

a convenience method for both adding a swagger.json route, as well as adding a page showing the html documentation

aiohttp_transmute.swagger.add_swagger_api_route(app, target_route, swagger_json_route)

mount a swagger statics page.

app: the aiohttp app object target_route: the path to mount the statics page. swagger_json_route: the path where the swagger json definitions is

expected to be.
aiohttp_transmute.swagger.create_swagger_json_handler(app, **kwargs)

Create a handler that returns the swagger definition for an application.

This method assumes the application is using the TransmuteUrlDispatcher as the router.